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Lip Augmentation Treatment

Discover the latest trends and options in lip augmentation for fuller, more defined lips. Explore non-invasive procedures to achieve your desired look.

Lip fillers procedure in ACM Clinic Adelaide, Dr Targett and patient
Lip augmentation fillers Adelaide consult with Dr Targett


Lip Augmentation Treatments Adelaide

The passage of time brings about many changes in our bodies, and one of the areas that often reflects this natural progression is our lips. As we age, lips may lose their volume and plumpness, leading to concerns about appearance and self-confidence. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the science behind lip thinning, explore the factors contributing to it, and discuss practical strategies to enhance and maintain lip health as we grow older.


The Benefits

1. Enhanced Facial Harmony:

Lip augmentation through advanced cosmetic techniques in Adelaide can help create balance and symmetry, improving the overall harmony of your facial features.

2. Youthful Appearance:

Fuller lips achieved through advanced cosmetic procedures can contribute to a more youthful and refreshed look, enhancing your natural beauty.

3. Defined Lip Contour:

Advanced lip augmentation methods in Adelaide can create a more defined lip border, accentuating the shape and structure of your lips.


4. Customized Results:

With advanced cosmetic medicine, lip augmentation procedures can be tailored to your unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals, ensuring personalized and natural-looking results.

5.Improved Lip Volume

Through advanced techniques, lip augmentation can increase lip volume, adding fullness and plumpness to create a more appealing lip profile.


6.Long-lasting Results:

When performed by experienced professionals in advanced cosmetic medicine, lip augmentation procedures can offer long-lasting results, allowing you to enjoy your enhanced lips for an extended period.

How it works

Book a consult with the doctor today

Advanced Cosmetic medicine in Adelaide offer consultations with the doctor regarding lip re-volumising techniques and options.

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please note: TGA now prohibit the advertising of S4 drugs or reference to these drugs.

The Science of Lip Thinning:

Our lips undergo transformations due to the gradual loss of collagen, a crucial protein responsible for skin structure and elasticity. Collagen decline is a natural part of aging, starting as early as our 20s and continuing at a rate of about 1% per year. This loss of structural support leads to reduced lip volume and a less defined lip contour.

Additionally, external factors such as UV damage, smoking, and inflammation can exacerbate collagen breakdown, accelerating the thinning process. UV exposure contributes to collagen degradation, emphasizing the importance of sun protection for overall skin health, including the delicate lip area. Smoking not only causes fine lines around the mouth but also diminishes lip fullness by impairing oxygen delivery to tissues. Chronic inflammation, triggered by various lifestyle factors, further contributes to collagen loss and skin aging.



Effective Strategies for Fuller, Healthier Lips:

Collagen Supplements: Hydrolyzed collagen peptides, available in supplement form, can support the body's natural collagen production. By enhancing skin elasticity and density, collagen supplements promote plumper lips and overall skin health.

Protective Measures: Sun protection is paramount for preventing UV-induced collagen damage. Using lip balms or glosses with physical SPF ingredients like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide shields lips from harmful rays. Quitting smoking is another crucial step in preserving lip fullness and overall skin quality. Additionally, managing internal inflammation through stress-reducing techniques, a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, and avoiding skin irritants can help maintain lip health.

Hydration: Proper hydration is essential for skin health, including the lips. Drinking an adequate amount of water daily helps maintain skin thickness and suppleness, contributing to a more youthful lip contour.

Lip-Nourishing Treatments: Investing in quality lip treatments such as masks, oils, and balms can provide nourishment and hydration to the delicate lip area. Look for products enriched with moisturizing ingredients like shea butter, jojoba oil, and vitamin E to keep lips soft, smooth, and healthy.


The Doctor

Dr Rahma Targett, profile 01

Dr Rahma Targett

Dr Rahma Targett is a General Practitioner(FRACGP), with a specialty in Cosmetic Medicine. She founded Advanced Cosmetic Medicine in 2016 and has since become well known as a trusted and in demand Cosmetic Physician in Adelaide.  She has a Diploma in Dermoscopy and  a Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine with the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr Targett is a leader in her field and regularly attends Cosmetic conferences to keep up to date with modern aesthetic techniques.  At advanced Cosmetic Medicine you can always be reassured that you will be welcomed and treated personally by Dr Rahma Targett.



Do you have more question? Please contact us


Where can I go to get more information about re-volumising my lips?

Book a consult today at Advanced Cosmetic medicine in Adelaide to learn the best options for lip volumisation.

TGA Rules: What has changed?

What has changed? 

The legislation regarding cosmetic injectables has not changed. Most cosmetic injectables contain substances that are in Schedule 4 to the Poisons Standard and, in accordance with the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act), cannot be advertised to the public. The TGA no longer expressly permits references to terms such as ‘wrinkle reducing injections’ or ‘lip fillers’ where those terms would result in a reasonable consumer understanding the intention of the content is to promote the use or supply of a prescription-only medicine or good containing such as substance. This includes through acronyms, nicknames, abbreviations and hashtags, which may be taken by a consumer as a reference to a specific prescription-only medicine or substance.

This does not apply to cosmetic injectables that do not contain any prescription-only substances.

Why have the TGA rules changed?

"The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has updated its guidance on advertising cosmetic injectables to ensure advertising rules are applied consistently across all industries that deal with therapeutic goods.

Historically, the TGA has allowed indirect references to prescription medicines to be referenced in advertisements related to cosmetic health services. This was allowed only in the context of promoting the service and only by using generic non-product specific terms such as ‘wrinkle reducing injections.’ Express references to products or ingredients themselves, such as ‘Botox’ or ‘botulinum toxin’, were not permitted. The TGA considered this a pragmatic approach which would allow cosmetic clinics who offered these services to differentiate themselves from those that did not.

Recently, the TGA has observed that clinics and health services in other industry areas are advertising the availability of prescription medicines, usually by referring to a class of goods (for example ‘weight loss injections’, ‘medicinal cannabis’ or ‘nicotine vaping products’). The TGA has interpreted that promoting a health service in this way is also an advertisement for a therapeutic good that refers to prescription medicines, which is unlawful.

To resolve any inconsistency in interpretation across industry areas, the TGA no longer permits references to terms such as ‘lip fillers’ where those terms would result in a reasonable consumer understanding the intention of the content is to promote the use or supply of a prescription medicine."