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Say Goodbye to Double Chin: Effective Treatment with Ultraformer III

Discover the transformative power of Ultraformer III for double chin treatment. This non-invasive ultrasound technology targets excess fat and tightens the skin, resulting in a more contoured and defined jawline. Say goodbye to submental fullness and hello to a slimmer, more youthful appearance with Ultraformer III treatments.

Double chin treatment, patient before treatment, ACM Adelaide
Double chin treatment consult, ACM Cosmetic Clinic


Double Chin Treatment - Adelaide

The presence of a double chin, medically termed submental fullness, can significantly impact one's facial profile and self-confidence. This common concern often arises due to factors like aging, genetics, weight fluctuations, or lifestyle habits. Fortunately, advancements in cosmetic technology offer non-invasive solutions to address this aesthetic issue. Ultraformer III emerges as a revolutionary treatment for double chin reduction, harnessing the power of focused ultrasound energy to target and eliminate stubborn fat deposits beneath the chin while simultaneously tightening and lifting the skin.

Unlike surgical procedures such as liposuction, Ultraformer III offers a safe, comfortable, and minimally invasive approach to achieving a more contoured jawline. The treatment works by delivering precise ultrasound waves deep into the subcutaneous fat layer, causing thermal coagulation and subsequent breakdown of fat cells. This process, known as lipolysis, gradually reduces the volume of fat, leading to a slimmer and more defined chin and neck area.

Additionally, Ultraformer III stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers in the skin's dermal layers, promoting skin tightening and firming. This dual-action mechanism not only targets excess fat but also enhances skin elasticity, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Patients can expect gradual yet noticeable improvements in their double chin over several weeks following the treatment, with optimal results typically achieved after a series of sessions.

Moreover, Ultraformer III treatments are well-tolerated, requiring no downtime or recovery period. Patients can resume their daily activities immediately after the session, making it a convenient option for individuals with busy lifestyles. With its effectiveness in reducing submental fullness and enhancing jawline contour, Ultraformer III represents a transformative solution for those seeking a non-surgical approach to address their double chin concerns.


The Benefits

1. Non-Invasive:

Ultraformer provides a non-surgical approach to treating a double chin, eliminating the need for incisions or anesthesia and reducing associated risks and downtime.

2. Fat Reduction:

Ultraformer targets and breaks down excess fat cells beneath the chin, leading to a slimmer and more contoured jawline without the need for liposuction.

3. Skin Tightening:

The ultrasound energy used in Ultraformer stimulates collagen production, promoting skin tightening and improving the elasticity of the skin in the treated area.

4. Youthful Appearance:

By reducing submental fullness and tightening the skin, Ultraformer can contribute to a more youthful and rejuvenated facial profile.

5. Customized Treatment:

Ultraformer allows for precise targeting of specific areas, allowing for a customized treatment plan tailored to individual patient needs and desired outcomes.

6. Long-Lasting Results:

With proper maintenance and follow-up treatments as recommended by a healthcare professional, the results of Ultraformer treatment for a double chin can be long-lasting, providing sustained improvements in jawline contour and definition.

How it works

Book a consult with the doctor today.

If you are experiencing concerns with a double chin, book an appointment with the doctor today to discuss your concerns and possible treatment methods.

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What causes a double chin?

A double chin, medically known as submental fullness, can develop due to various factors contributing to the accumulation of fat and sagging skin beneath the chin area. One primary cause is genetics, as some individuals may inherit a predisposition to store excess fat in specific areas, including the chin and neck. Age is another significant factor, as the skin naturally loses elasticity and firmness over time, leading to sagging and laxity in the chin and neck region.

Weight gain can also contribute to the formation of a double chin, as an increase in overall body fat can result in fat deposits accumulating under the chin. Poor posture, such as slouching or tilting the head downward frequently, can weaken the neck muscles over time, contributing to the appearance of a double chin. Additionally, certain lifestyle habits like a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, and unhealthy diet choices can contribute to weight gain and fat deposition in the chin area.

Lastly, hormonal changes, particularly during pregnancy or menopause, can also affect fat distribution and skin elasticity, potentially leading to the development of a double chin. Understanding the underlying causes of a double chin is crucial for selecting appropriate treatment options to address this aesthetic concern effectively.

What to expect when having Ultrafomer iii treatment for a double chin?

When undergoing double chin treatment with Ultraformer III, patients can expect a comfortable and relatively quick procedure with minimal downtime. The session typically begins with the application of a cooling gel to the treatment area to enhance comfort. The Ultraformer III device is then used to deliver focused ultrasound energy precisely to the targeted area beneath the chin.

During the treatment, patients may experience mild warmth or tingling sensations as the ultrasound energy penetrates the skin to target excess fat cells and stimulate collagen production. However, these sensations are generally well-tolerated and temporary. The procedure usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the extent of the treatment area.

After the Ultraformer III treatment, patients may experience some mild redness, swelling, or tenderness in the treated area, which typically subsides within a few hours to a day. It's essential to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by the healthcare provider, which may include avoiding strenuous activities and sun exposure for a few days.

Results from Ultraformer III treatment for a double chin are typically gradual and progressive, with optimal improvements seen over the following weeks to months. Patients can expect a slimmer and more defined jawline, as well as improved skin tightness and firmness in the treated area. Multiple sessions may be recommended for optimal results, depending on individual goals and response to treatment. Overall, Ultraformer III offers a safe, effective, and non-invasive solution for reducing submental fullness and enhancing facial contours.

The Doctor

Dr Rahma Targett, profile 01

Dr Rahma Targett

Dr Rahma Targett is a General Practitioner(FRACGP), with a specialty in Cosmetic Medicine. She founded Advanced Cosmetic Medicine in 2016 and has since become well known as a trusted and in demand Cosmetic Physician in Adelaide.  She has a Diploma in Dermoscopy and  a Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine with the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr Targett is a leader in her field and regularly attends Cosmetic conferences to keep up to date with modern aesthetic techniques.  At advanced Cosmetic Medicine you can always be reassured that you will be welcomed and treated personally by Dr Rahma Targett.


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