One significant sign of ageing in men is hair loss, scientifically known as alopecia. Hair loss treatment, however, isn’t only for men but also in women due to stress, depression, hormonal changes, genetic links, weight loss and other medical reasons. Occasionally, alopecia is due to lack of protein and low level of irons.
According to statistics, two-thirds of men face hair loss by age 35, and a bad genetic link is often to blame. Male-pattern baldness is an inherited sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT, a by-product of testosterone), which leads to finer hair, a receding hairline, and finally a deserted scalp. In women, hair slowly thins all over the scalp, but the hairline usually doesn’t recede. Many women experience this type of hair loss as a natural part of ageing, although hair loss may begin any time after puberty. Female pattern hair loss can cause hair to thin dramatically, but only rarely does it lead to baldness.
FACTOR 4 Hair Loss Treatment to the Rescue!
Factor 4 is the next generation PRP (platelet rich plasma), it is 100 percent autologous as it is derived from your body’s own 70-amino acid protein.
Factor 4 is TGA and FDA approved and is being recognized as the most effective hair loss treatment for alopecia. The popularity of this hair loss treatment is due to the fact that it is an all-natural hair treatment, with no side effects. The procedure is very straightforward, Dr Targett or sometimes the nurse will draw your blood and then incubate for 6 to 9 hours. After incubation, Dr Targett will separate the plasma from the red blood cells using a centrifuge. The end-product is your own personalized (autologous) Factor 4 treatment plasma which is a highly concentrated formulation of your own growth factor and cytokines. Your own Factor 4 treatment plasma is then administered into the area of concern by Dr Targett and the remaining aliquot is stored for the succeeding treatments. Improvements can be seen after a couple of weeks from your first treatment, results are different for every patient that’s why it is advisable to have at least 3–4 treatments to fully experience the effectivity of the treatment.