Non Surgical Blepharoplasty

Are you suffering from droopy eyelids? Saggy eyelids or hooded eyelids can be a thing of the past with Non Surgical Blepharoplasty in Adelaide.

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Non Surgical Blepharoplasty - Adelaide

Bothered by that crinkly, loose skin on your eyelids that make you look tired and older than your years? Or concerned about your sagging under eye bags that make it hard for you to apply makeup?
Hooded or drooping eyelids or wrinkled skin around the eyes can have a big impact on a person’s appearance. With age, your skin loses its elasticity as the connective tissue beneath the skin becomes lax and begins to sag. The effect is seen more on the face, particularly around the eyes.

With the many recent advances in cosmetic procedures, there has been various treatments and procedures to deal with facial ageing. If you are worried by the thought of surgery and are not really keen on going under the knife, then a non-surgical eye lift or (non-surgical blepharoplasty) will work perfectly for you.


The Benefits

1. Our blepharoplasty treatment is entirely non-surgical, avoiding the use of scalpels or lasers to remove excess skin.

2. There are very minimal risks associated with our non-surgical blepharoplasty compared to a traditionally surgical blepharoplasty, making this a great alternative to experience similar results without the complications.

3. Recovery time from the treatment is significantly less than a surgical blepharoplasty, as no excisions or sutures are required to achieve enhanced results.

4. Non-surgical blepharoplasty uses the Plasma BT device to deliver lifted results that will not only instantaneously tighten and lift the eye area but can treat other skin conditions, such as acne, rosacea, scarring, and the signs of ageing.

5. There is very minimal discomfort during and after the treatment, as a topical numbing cream is applied, and the non-invasive techniques are designed to prevent any pain or discomfort.

6. Non-surgical blepharoplasty is more cost-effective than traditional surgical eye lifts, providing similar results without the exorbitant price.

7. The results of a non-surgical blepharoplasty can last between two to three years, meaning it is a permanent treatment but is much less compared to surgical options. Individuals who wish to experience enhanced results without the complete commitment of a surgical blepharoplasty may prefer this option.

How it works

What is Non Surgical Blepharoplasty?

Non-Surgical Eye Lift (Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty) is for hooded, drooping eyelids, or wrinkled skin around the eyes can have a big impact on a person’s appearance. With age, your skin loses its elasticity as the connective tissue beneath the skin becomes lax and begins to sag. The effect is seen more on the face, particularly around the eyes. With the many recent advances in cosmetic procedures, there have been various treatments and procedures to deal with facial ageing. If you are worried by the thought of surgery and are not really keen on going under the knife, then a non-surgical eye lift or (non-surgical blepharoplasty) will work perfectly for you.  Eyelid skin tightening is performed using a plasma generator.

What is a plasma generator?

  • A plasma device generates heat that triggers an instant contraction and subsequent tightening of the collagen fibres in the skin.
  • There is minimal downtime associated with the procedure as there is no use of scalpel or laser to remove excess skin.
  • Risks associated with invasive interventions can also be avoided.

How is Non Surgical Blephaoplasty performed with a plasma generator?

Plasma is the fourth state of matter after solid, fluid, and gas. A plasma discharge is generated when a gas is made to pass through an electromagnetic field between the tip of the device and the treated area. Due to its very thin discharge, it is possible to create small perforations in the skin around the eye that vaporises the solid skin. The procedure is known as sublimation.
Non-surgical blepharoplasty can tighten the skin fibres around the eye area. The results are the same when compared to a surgical eye lift but less invasive and instant.
A plasma generator can be used to treat specific areas of concern without damaging the eye or adjoining skin.

Who is a good candidate for Non Surgical Blepharoplasty?

There are various skin problems that can be treated by a plasma generator. Other than tightening loose skin on the eyelids and under eye bags, plasma energy can also be used to smoothen out wrinkles and remove dark circles.
Non-surgical blepharoplasty can also be used to:

  • Tighten and rejuvenate skin on the neck and face (skin lift/neck lift)
  • Remove wrinkles around the mouth
  • Reduce stretch marks
  • Eliminate post-operative scars
  • Treat age spots, sun spots, and pigmentation
  • Shrink acne and acne scars
  • Treat skin lesions such as warts, keloids, scars, fibroma, and moles
  • Treat skin conditions like rosacea
  • Remove tattoos
  • Treatment of broken blood vessels, capillaries and spider veins.

What are the steps involved in Non Surgical Blepharoplasty?

The first step is to apply a topical anaesthetic cream 30 minutes prior to the treatment. This will ensure that the treatment area gets numbed.
We use the industry’s leading non-surgical device – Plasma BT – that has a needle tip that generates a thin plasmatic flash. We take great care to not let the needle tip come in contact with the skin. The plasma discharge falls from the tip to the skin and evaporates, leaving brown spots. A specific pattern is followed to set the spots like a grid. The number of spots and their arrangement depends on the amount of skin to be treated.

The treatment is pain free and you will only experience minimal or no discomfort. There will be a slight burnt smell as the procedure involves skin getting vaporised.

What other treatments can help with skin laxity around the eye?

Other treatment options which you may like to consider for treating skin laxity around the eye include;

Non Surgical Blepharoplasty (per upper/lower) from $750

The Doctor

Dr Rahma Targett, profile 01

Dr Rahma Targett

Dr Rahma Targett is a General Practitioner(FRACGP), with a specialty in Cosmetic Medicine. She founded Advanced Cosmetic Medicine in 2016 and has since become well known as a trusted and in demand Cosmetic Physician in Adelaide.  She has a Diploma in Dermoscopy and  a Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine with the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr Targett is a leader in her field and regularly attends Cosmetic conferences to keep up to date with modern aesthetic techniques.  At advanced Cosmetic Medicine you can always be reassured that you will be welcomed and treated personally by Dr Rahma Targett.



Do you have more question? Please contact us


How long does Non Surgical Blepharoplasty take?

The actual procedure takes about 25 to 45 minutes depending upon the surface area to be treated. Consider about an hours time for the whole process including the time needed for the anaesthetic to work and consent forms to be filled.

What should I expect after the treatment?

There could be mild swelling on the treated area for about 3 days. Dotty scabs will last for 1 to 2 weeks and eventually fall off naturally. After the scabs fall off, there will be red inflammation for a few weeks.

  • Do not scratch the skin or pick the scabs to prevent pigmentation or scarring.
  • Dr Targett will prescribe an antibiotic cream or an anti-pigmentation cream (if you have dark skin).

How long does it take to see results?

The skin will appear fresh and smooth in about 2 to 4 weeks time. New collagen fibres will be formed after three months which will give the skin a fresher look.
Please note that this treatment will not stop the ageing process. Once treatment is done, results are likely to last for 2 to 3 years. The treatment can be repeated if necessary.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of sessions required depends on the amount of skin to be lifted. The desired result is achievable in one treatment. However, depending on the skin to be lifted, up to three treatments can be carried out. If more than one session is advised, the sessions will be spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Dr Targett will ask for a follow up after 3 months when the new collagen fibres are fully formed. If necessary, a second or third session can be done for better results.

The non-surgical eye lift treatment is safe. Patients who have lighter skin may have an ongoing redness for a couple of months. Patients who have darker skin may have hyperpigmentation.

A non-surgical eye lift is an excellent next-generation technology to add more natural volume around your eyes, without the more extensive downtime from a surgery. For that youthful and healthy appearance, Dr Rahma Targett performs non-surgical eye lift treatments using a non-surgical plasma device – Plasma BT.

This in-office procedure is the best alternative to surgery as it reduces recovery time and lowers the chances of complications.